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Problem Statement

About 70% of North America alone rely on daily prescribed medications. However, 1 out of every 2 individuals miss a dose, and 1 in 3 can't recall if they've taken their medication. The common solution, traditional pill organizers, though compact, often fall short in ensuring timely and accurate medication intake due to the absence of effective reminder systems.


The existing reminder systems, while effective, come with their own set of challenges. They tend to be both expensive and bulky, occupying space on countertops and tables. Moreover, these systems require users to be within proximity to the designated location where the system is placed, making it impossible for individuals who are away from home to take the meds even if they are app notified. This lack of portability and mobility means that even the most advanced systems have limitations, resulting in a significant number of missed medication doses.


Recognizing this widespread issue, our client in the health and wellness industry entrusted us with a mission: to devise a comprehensive solution that addresses the problem at its very core. We embraced the challenge, and the result was the PillMinder Pro.

PillMinder Pro

Designed to simplify medication management

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An App Integrated Wearable Solution 

How The Design Works   

This wearable, bracelet-style device has eight compartments - seven of which are dedicated to each day of the week, while the eighth compartment houses additional functionality for vibration, button operations, and charging. Each daily medication compartment can hold up to 3 capsule pills or tablets.


Accompanied by an upcoming mobile app for iOS and Android, users can manage their pill regimen, set schedules, and input dosing instructions. When it's time to take a pill, the PillMinder Pro device vibrates discreetly and a notification is sent to the user's phone regarding which pill to ingest. After opening the compartment and taking the correct pill, users press the "check" button on the bracelet to mark it as consumed on the app. The app also offers features like upcoming medication reminders, refill alerts, and the ability to share medication information with healthcare providers or family members if required.


If the user can't take their medication immediately, they can use the snooze feature on the device. By pressing the "snooze" button, which can be pre programmed through the app, the device will vibrate again after a specified delay, such as 10, 15, or 30 minutes. This ensures that even if you cannot take the medication right away, you will receive timely reminders until it is convenient to do so.


The PillMinder Pro ensures medications are taken timely, reliably and discretely no matter where you are. 

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